Start an Essay Contest

View Comments (3)

  • We recently completed our pilot essay contest "The 4-Way Test and Me" with the seventh grade students at Park View Middle School in South Hill, VA. It was a tremendous success. The information contained on your website was extremely useful especially the article entitled "Promoting your Four-Way Test Essay Contest". We didn't start the process until January but the information on your website was invaluable in helping us move forward with a great deal of confidence that we would be successful.
    I also contacted Wade Nomura, District 5240 Vocational Service Chair and he provided me with insights that you learned through your experiences. We intend to post our winning essays on your website.

    Thanks You

    Dan Poteralski
    Cahirman, Rotary Essay Contest
    South Hill Rotary Club/District 7600

  • What is the schedule for advancing essay winners to the District 5240 level? Who is the District contact?

    LynneDee Althouse
    Paso Robles Sunrise Rotary
    Sharon Ross
    Paso Robles Rotary

  • Our Rotary Club is anxious to promote the Four-Way Test Essay Contest in our area this coming school year. What are the deadlines for selecting local winners to be forwarded on to the district level competition?
    Mary Breckenridge
    Bakersfield Breakfast Rotary