Essay Contest Winners – The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg North

The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg NorthDistrict 7390

The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg North has announced the winner of their Essay Contest, Juliet Pawelski, who was a ninth grader at Cumberland Valley High School.  Her teacher was Mr. Brian Martin.  Mr. Martin is now retired.  The head of the English Department is Dr. Fran Carothers.  Dr. Carothers was instrumental in getting the essay contest up and running at the high school.  We are going into our third year of having a contest.  We have lobbied heavily that our District establish a district wide contest.  We were told this past week that are going to do this next year.

Juliet Pawelski, Grade 9, Cumberland Valley High School – 1st Place
John F. M. Kocsis, Grade 9, Cumberland Valley High School – 2nd Place
